Yesterday, I had one of the most memorable experiences of my life. An experience that I was sure I wouldn't have the chance to experience so early in life! I had a chance to look back upon my childhood, and by childhood I mean the time when I knew which class I was studying in but didn’t know what it meant, the time when I was pretty sure I was going to be king of the world.
It al started when I met up childhood friends from my locality. These were the people I roamed around my "area" in half pants and colorful t-shirts. When climbing trees felt like conquering beasts and cycling across roads and running across fields felt like conquering territories. When boredom didn’t have a place in your life because there was so much to do. We didn’t need a field to play and neither a sizable number of people to have fun. Strange games would be invented from pebbles and leaves. Roads were our playgrounds, 'payas' and houses being constructed our hiding places and bushes and 'morries' places to get lost into. So many funny things that we used to do. The strange names that we used to call each other, how proud we were of our Bicycles and how I loved to ride it, how we cut and cleaned 3 foot long wild grass to create a playground for ourselves.
Sitting around and thinking back upon these memories was just so rejuvenating. But what stuck me most after coming out of our little reunion was that I had never in my dreams thought I would be looking back upon my childhood at this early stage in life. I always thought that I would be this old retired 'budda' before I start looking back upon all my experiences. For the first time I got a sinking feeling of getting old.
Time to look onto the blue-green yonder and start feeling young again!
PS: This was the time i am talking about :)