What do you do when you see one of these in your rear view mirrors. If you a considerate enough person, you will give way to the vehicle. You give way assuming that the blaring sound and flashing lights indicate someone critically injured or ill is being transported to the necessary destination. You also assume that impeding the ambulance will probably result in putting the passenger of the vehicle in graver danger.
Imagine my surprise, or frustation, when i saw a similar blaring ambulance, but the difference was that it did not carry any passengers. It was EMPTY at the behind! Just to make sure i followed the ambulance and saw that the ambulance put out its garishness once out of the JAM and The TRAFFIC SIGNAL. This means that the driver took advantage of being in a ambulance. I know many of you would be saying that the the ambulance may be heading for a potential complaint, but why switch off the shahnanigans after the traffic signal? No sir this was a case of a selfish driver trying to use public service for his own needs. What is to say that the next time i see one of these vehicles in the mirror i will hesitate to let him by. What is to say that half a dozen people do the same?
Well you have got to think how much such inconsequential things make so much consequence in some cases.
Just to add have you seen how usefull/easy it is to follow an ambulance in a traffic JAM. It makes a huge difference. I have done it a few times and it is definitely usefull in bangalore traffic jams.
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