Friday, June 11, 2010

Those Dark brown eyes....

I once laid my eyes on the most beautiful pair of eyes
a pair of eyes that can only described by the aptness of its name
a name that still echoes the familiarities of a friend
a name that still brings back the memories of the eyes, those most beautiful eyes

The dark brown eyes just stare at me from the abyss
taunting, scrutinizing, tearing at the lengths of every emotion
i know not what it wants from me, but for enticing me to get lost in them

A name which aptly beholds the deep brown eyes it possesses
a name that does not know the power of the subject it assesses
i knew not that i had a poet in me lay
until, in those deep brown eyes my heart began to sway
i still know not what is it about those eyes that hold me astray
but i do hope those deep brown eyes do begin to sway

for if not i shall always be lost
in the quest for the brown eyes that still holds me astray

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